The Best & Easiest Edible Life Hack in 4 Steps

I’ve been an edible enthusiast since I discovered that not all edibles have to be made into brownies. When I realized that almost anything can be infused with THC, I let my imagination run wild.


However, I’ve always detested the idea of buying an entire ounce of weed, decarboxylating it in the oven for 30 minutes, stinking up your house, simmering it in butter for 2 hours, and then squeezing it out with a cheesecloth, only to get some dark green, herby tasting butter as a result. It’s expensive, time consuming, and it tastes like shit.

This hack is cheaper, is 80% faster, and produces virtually tasteless butter. It can be added to any recipe without changing the flavor of what you're eating in the slightest. With four easy steps, this method is tried and true on everything from french toast to chicken fajitas. You’re welcome.


Step 1: Go to the dispensary and buy a gram (or more, go apeshit) of wax, shatter, butter, resin, or CO2 oil, whatever you want. Look at or a Westword magazine for deals! For this post, I used Euphoria Shatter from Pure Marijuana Dispensary, a product by the Colorado Cannabis Co, which had 51.4mg of THC, 280.6mg of THCA, 24.7mg of CBD, and 469.4mg of CBDA. I love a good THC/CBD mix.


Step 2: Heat 4 sticks of butter in a saucepan on medium until it starts to bubble. The amount of butter you use may change depending on how many milligrams of THC per tablespoon you want, so make sure to check your math. You could also use coconut or grapeseed oil.


Step 3: Simply add in the gram to the butter, and let simmer for 20-30 minutes, keeping an eye on it and stirring constantly so nothing burns.


Optional steps: Clean your kitchen. Invite a friend over. Smoke some weed. Read some more posts.

Step 4: Pour into a heatsafe dish and put in the fridge to cool.

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Yep, it's that simple. Keep in mind that not all of the cannabinoids will convert, but you can roughly estimate how many milligrams you will have per serving. Just divide the milligram content by the tablespoons of butter in the recipe for milligrams per tablespoon.

Stay Mile High✌️


Making THC Desserts with CamiBakes